Monday, May 5, 2008

I am a public servant: CJI

NEW DELHI: "I am a public servant,"
declared Head Justice of Republic Of India Kelvin Gram Balakrishanan subsiding the dust that had
arisen over whether or not Judges of the Supreme Court and high tribunals were
public retainers or not. His comments at the decision of the annual
conference of Head Justices of the high tribunals and the head curates had
opened a large argument over the position of the Judges of the higher and superior
judiciary. The elucidation from the CJI came on the twenty-four hours when the
judiciary took the historical first measure to let television photographic photographic cameras to videograph the
“people's court” legal proceeding held inside the SC's tribunal rooms, which
are always out of bound for cameras. Speaking to The Times of India,
Justice Balakrishnan laughed away the inquiry whether Judges of the scandium and the
HCs were public retainers or not. “How tin any justice reason that
he is not a public servant?” helium counter questioned. It is a well settled
position of law, as laid down in the five-judge fundamental law bench judgement of
the Supreme Court in the Veeraswamy case, that Judges of the high tribunals and the
Supreme Court were public servants, he said.

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