Tuesday, July 17, 2007

188+ Stages of the Hero's Journey (Monomyth, Screenwriting) - Freedom to Live


The 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious outlooks the audience have regarding what a narrative is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the author more structural elements than simply three or four acts, secret plan points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible procedure for edifice and releasing disagreement (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain phase of the story, the focusing should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply travel to http://www.heros-journey.info/ for full details)

*****Freedom to Live*****

Part of the Freedom to Dwell is the Hero's New Behaviour. In Brokeback Mountain (2005), junior is getting married and Ennis will travel to the wedding.

*****Final Conflict: Allies against the Hero*****

Post the Crossing of the Tax Return Threshold and before the Maestro of Two Worlds and Selves, a Hell of a batch haps that is rarely given mention. The Concluding Conflict (a metaphor for this stage) follows a distinct process. One facet of this phase is the possibility of allied military units turning against the hero. In Straw Dogs (1971), Amy make up one's minds to travel against Saint David and give then Henry.

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